Safeguarding Policy Statement
Safeguarding is the term we use to identify the work we do to protect children from abuse or neglect and to educate those around them to recognize the signs and dangers of abuse and neglect.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that:
children’s safety, wellbeing and protection are of the highest priority whilst in the care of Eyesto Education Limited.
All staff, volunteers, parents, and any other adult working within or on behalf of Eyesto Education understand the principles of safeguarding that guide our approach to protecting children.
Eyesto Education seeks to keep children safe by:
Recognizing that it is our legal duty to respond to and refer all allegations of child abuse and without delay.
Recognizing that it is everybody’s responsibility to keep children safe.
Appointing a nominated Safeguarding Officer who takes lead responsibility for safeguarding within Eyesto Education.
Working in a cooperative, multi-agency.
Recognizing that all children, regardless of gender, age, disability, ethnic background, culture, or socio-economic background have the right to be protected from harm.
Listening to and respecting the children in our care and taking seriously any concerns that may arise.
Ensuring that children and their families know how to find help if they have a concern.
Informing all clients and parents about the child protection policy and procedures (including relevant contact numbers) as they use Eyesto Education services.
Ensuring staff, volunteers, parents, and any other adult working within or on behalf of the service understand the principles that guides the approach to protecting children.
Putting in place robust policies and procedures to ensure that individual concerns are managed in a thorough manner and outline clearly what action should be taken.
Operating an effective range of policies and procedures that supports the Safeguarding Policy.
Reporting, recording, and monitoring any injuries sustained by a child (while away from the setting or in our care) and noting changes in a child’s behavior. These will be discussed with the client or parent in the first instance except when this may be considered to put the child at risk.
Training all staff in Safeguarding Procedures and making sure this training is reviewed regularly.
Ensuring all staff and volunteers know, understand, and follow policies and procedures capably through regular support and supervision.
Ensuring the physical environment is safe by operating and keeping an up-to-date risk assessment and ensuring adequate insurance is provided.
This Safeguarding Policy and additional Procedures apply to anyone working within or on behalf of Eyesto Education including Registered Person/ Responsible Individual/ Committed Members/ Board Members/ paid staff/ volunteers/ students/ temporary staff and should be read alongside all Eyesto Education policies, procedures, and guidance.
Legal Framework
This policy is based on legislation, policy and guidance within England and Wales that seeks to protect children from harm and abuse. This includes:
Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 Part 7, Safeguarding
Wales Safeguarding Procedures 2019
Working together to Safeguard People Volume 5: handling individual cases to protect children at risk
The Childminding and Day Care (Wales)Regulations 2010
As amended by the Child Minding and Day Care (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2016
Article 19 of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child
Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales 2015
Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Data Protection Act 2018
Domestic abuse (Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (Wales) Act 2015)
Safe recruitment
The recruitment and selection policy and procedures of Eyesto Education seek to ensure that all persons working with children who attend or work in our setting have been appropriately checked and do not present a risk to the children’s safety. Eyesto Education ensures that safeguarding is considered throughout the process of recruitment. We will ensure any advertising of a post makes specific reference to the safeguarding of children and will provide a job description and person specification that describes essential duties and the qualifications required to carry out those duties in line with Care Inspectorate Wales Regulations and National Minimum Standards. Safe recruitment applies to staff, volunteers and students who work within Eyesto Education.
Safeguarding Officer
All Safeguarding Officers at Eyesto Education have had appropriate safeguarding training and have the appropriate skills to address any safeguarding issues that may arise.
The Designated Safeguarding Officer is Miss V Hamilton
Contact details: 02922742357
In their absence the Deputy Safeguarding Officer can be contacted Kamrageet Kaur
Contact details: 02922742357
The Safeguarding Officer will be the first point of contact for any safeguarding issues and will ensure that appropriate training and information is available and accessible to all staff, students, volunteers, and visitors.
These Safeguarding Policy and Procedures apply to anyone working within or on behalf of Eyesto Educationincluding Registered Person/ Responsible Individual / Committed Members/ Board Members/ paid staff/ volunteers/ temporary staff and should be read alongside all Eyesto Education policies, procedures, and guidance.
This child protection (safeguarding) policy was passed for use in Eyesto Education
On: Monday 12th September 2022
By: Miss V Hamilton
Position: Safeguarding Officer Trainer
Date of planned review:
Identifying Harm and Abuse
Abuse means physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, or financial abuse (includes abuse taking place in any setting, whether in a private dwelling, an institution, or any other place)
Neglect means a failure to meet a person’s basic physical, emotional, social, or psychological needs, which is likely to result in an impairment of the person’s well-being (for example an impairment of the person’s health or, in the case of a child, an impairment of the child’s development)
Eyesto Education recognizes that harm and abuse can take many forms and ensures that all staff, students, and volunteers are aware of what might constitute harm or abuse and have the appropriate training to recognize, record and report it appropriately.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of examples for each of the categories of abuse and neglect:
· physical abuse - hitting, slapping, over or misuse of medication, undue restraint, or inappropriate sanctions.
· emotional/psychological abuse - threats of harm or abandonment, coercive control, humiliation, verbal or racial abuse, isolation or withdrawal from services or supportive networks, witnessing abuse of others.
· sexual abuse - forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening, including:
physical contact, including penetrative or non-penetrative acts.
non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, pornographic material or watching sexual activities or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.
· financial abuse - this category will be less prevalent for a child, but indicators could be:
- not meeting their needs for care and support which are provided through direct payments; or
- complaints that personal property is missing.
· neglect - failure to meet basic physical, emotional or psychological needs which is likely to result in impairment of health or development.
Taken from Working Together to Safeguard People: Volume 5 – Handling Individual Cases to Protect Children at Risk
Informing all parents about the child protection policy and procedures (including relevant contact numbers) as each family starts to use Eyesto Education.
Operating an effective range of policies and procedures that support and safeguard children within the setting.
Reporting, recording, and monitoring any injuries sustained by a child (while away from the setting, or in our care). We note changes in a child's behavior and discuss any issues with client or parents who will normally be the first point of contact, except when this may be considered to place the child at risk.
Responding to suspicion
There are two types of disclosure:
A disclosure about a child.
A disclosure about professional abuse.
Action to be taken in the event of a disclosure about a child:
In the event of a member of staff having a concern/suspicion that a child has suffered abuse/neglect or if someone tells them that they or another child or young person is being abused/suffering neglect:
The member of staff acts without delay and (as is appropriate to the age/stage of the individual child):
Listens, showing that they have heard what they are being told and that they take the allegations seriously.
Does not prompt or ask leading questions.
Does not ask the child to tell their story more than once.
Explains what actions they must take (using agreed procedures)
Does not promise to keep what they have been told a secret or confidential but explains that they will share information only on a ‘need to know’ basis.
The member of staff:
Writes down, using the exact words, what they have been told. This is
done immediately.
Makes a note of the date, time, place, and people present in the discussion.
Does not confront the alleged abuser.
Reports the concerns to the registered person/responsible individual and/or designated child protection officer as soon as possible, but without delay.
The registered person/responsible individual/designated child protection officer:
Reports the concerns immediately (but within 24 hours) to the intake and assessment team duty officer of the local social services department. Verbal referrals are followed up in writing.
Informs CIW that a referral has been made and that procedures are being followed.
Action to be taken in the event of a disclosure about professional abuse:
If the behaviour of a colleague, adult (including volunteers and members of the public) towards children or young people causes concern:
The procedure above (in 1. Action to be taken in the event of a disclosure about a child) is implemented (and adapted to who is making the disclosure)
The registered person/responsible individual considers the options for removal/suspension of the member of staff/volunteer from duty without prejudice pending decisions made at the strategy discussion.
The member of staff/volunteer is informed, and written records of discussions and decisions are made in line with the staff disciplinary policy and procedure.
The registered person/responsible individual informs CIW of any allegations of serious harm to a child committed by any person looking after children in Eyesto Education, or by any person living, working, or employed on the premises, or any abuse alleged to have taken place on the premises without delay.
If the allegation is about the registered person/responsible individual it is the responsibility of the designated child protection officer (or deputy) to inform CIW without delay.
Failure by a member of staff to report suspected abuse will result in disciplinary action being taken.
Guidance for Making the referral:
The referral is made to Social Services as soon as a problem, suspicion or concern about a child becomes apparent, and at least within 24 hours.
Outside office hours, referrals are made to the social services emergency duty team or the police.
The duty social worker taking the referral is given as much of the following information as possible by Eyesto Education’s referrer, (using the form agreed with the LA child protection co-ordinator):
The nature of the concerns.
How and why those concerns have arisen?
The full name, address, and date of birth (or age) of the child.
The names address and dates of birth/ages of family members, along with any other names which they use or are known by.
The names and relationship of all those with parental responsibility (where known)
Information on any other adults living in the household.
Information relating to other professionals involved with the family, including the name of the child’s school and GP.
Any information held on the child’s developmental needs and his/her parents’/carers’ ability to respond to these needs within the context of the wider family environment.
Any information affecting the safety of staff.
The (registered person/responsible individual designated child protection officer) has responsibility to ensure that child protection concerns are taken seriously and followed through, remaining accountable for their role throughout the child protection process.
If they remain concerned about a child, they will make representations to the intake and assessment team duty officer of social services.
Record Keeping
Eyesto Education keeps accurate, concise, and clear records in straightforward language to underpin good child protection practice.
Eyesto Education’s arrangements for retention, storage, and destruction of electronic and paper records of child protection matters meet the relevant regulations (including Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR 2018) and requirements made by the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Records kept by Eyesto Education are shared on a need-to-know basis with social services departments.
Eyesto Education’s child protection records:
Use clear, straightforward language.
Are signed, dated, and timed.
Are concise, legible and comply with professional standards and requirements.
Are accurate in fact and distinguish between fact, opinion, judgement, and hypothesis.
Are organised and include detailed recording and chronologies and summaries, including all contacts.
Are comprehensive.
Clearly record judgments made and actions and decisions taken.
Clarify where decisions have been taken jointly across agencies or endorsed by a manager.
Record both formal and informal supervision discussions.
Record directions given, and agreements or disagreements made in consultation with supervisors or managers.
Eyesto Education’s representative/child protection officer attends any multi-agency discussion (this may be a meeting or via telephone) and provides reports as necessary and appropriate.
The strategy discussion considers risk associated with any allegation and should determine whether or not a member of staff will be suspended from duty without prejudice (reference staff recruitment and employment, and whistle blowing policy)
Decisions are recorded in writing.
Throughout a child protection investigation Eyesto Education will:
Make every effort to build and maintain trusting and supportive relationships between clients, families, staff, and volunteers.
Do all it can to support and work with clients.
Do all it can to support and work with the child's family.
Share any confidential records on a child with the child's parents, except in cases in which parents are implicated and evidence gives rise for concern.
The following contact details are also kept by the office telephone 0209 222742357 and checked and updated as needed by designated safeguarding officer Miss V Hamilton
Social Services Intake and Assessment Team:
Address: Social Care Wales,
South Gate House,
Wood Street,
CF10 1EW
Contact Number/s: 0300 303 3444
Name of Local Safeguarding Board: Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan RSCB
Address: Children’s Services
County Hall
Atlantic Wharf
CF10 4UW
Contact number/s: 029 2233 0880 / 029 2233 0883
Address: Weston House,
42 Curtain Road,
Contact number/s: 08088005000
Social Services intake and assessment team: Vale of Glamorgan intake and family support team (social services) - family support services.
Address: Vale of Glamorgan Council
Docks Office
Subway Road
Vale of Glamorgan
CF63 4RT
Contact Number/s: 08000327322
(Other as relevant)
Contact number/s:
This child protection (safeguarding) policy and procedure was passed for use in Eyes2 Community Day-care
By: Jennifer Mentore
Position: Responsible Individual
Date of planned review: 10|09|2023